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International Talent exam is an excellent platform for budding students for a bright and promising future. This is not only an exam, but also a great learning opportunity. This was a dream of Prof.Ramanujam before 35 years. He started this as he excelled in administration and education.
We believe that Young genius international exam will play a vital role in the growth and development of kids.
Apart from School books and Syllabus, We focus on knowledge about World. We insist on training students to communicate with the world and develop their interpersonal skills. We have emerged as one of the best Human resource organization based on our education system, future development and our exam patterns. We have enhanced the existing education system. We believe to provide an entirely new and exciting, experience based education to our students on the support and guidance of our founder.
About International Talent Exam ( ITE )

What is ITE syllabus?
ITE syllabus has been framed by a renowned committee as per their norms. This is attached with CBSE, ICSE and state committee. Students preparing for International Talent exam will have more or leed the same lessons included for school exams. ITE exams will be helpful for students to learn the lessons in depth. This will provide more knowledge which in turn increases the smartness of students.
Logical reasoning is one of the main category of International Talent exams. This part of questions will help students to answer the questions in an intellectual way. This increases their ability to solve the issues, and make them best competitors in future. So there is no difference between School syllabus and ITE syllabus.
Who is Eligible for ITE ?
RIC Academy is inviting students from Kindergarten up to 10th standard to participate in ITE exam. We are encouraging students from different age groups to join this competitive exam. Kids from 3 to 6 years can join national level competition for drawing and Handwriting.
Students from 1st standard to 10th standard can join Maths, Science, Computer, GK, English, Drawing & essay writing which are included in school syllabus for ITE exams. There is no need of any qualifications to participate in this exam. This exam will be helpful for students to develop their knowledge and enhance their intellectual skills.
What types of questions are asked in International Talent exam?
Exam pattern will be the same for all the subjects except drawing and essay writing. All subjects question paper will involve logical reasoning, subjective questions, series completion, data analysis, alphabetical reasoning, decoding, pattern identification etc.
The complexity of the question paper varies from class 1 to class 10. Questions are prepared based on understanding the knowledge, talent and reasoning capacity of students.
International Talent exam syllabus includes CBSE, ICSE, state board and international board.
Benefits of ITE
International Talent Exams will be helpful to strengthen the school syllabus for Students. These are playing major role in training students to answer the questions using their intelligence.
ITE is helpful for students to clear their exams basically.
Other benefits are as follows:
This exam tests the ability of each and every individual.
It enhances the reasoning capacity of students. It gives a great Idea in understanding the skills of an individual. Students can identify their drawbacks and learn accordingly. This exam is challenging and most promising to students providing in-depth knowledge about scientific facts.
Students will be able to get more clarity during their classes.
International Talent exam pattern
It is very vital to understand the exam pattern before attending any competitive examination. Learning and understanding the question paper pattern will help the students to sync with the subject.
Format of International Talent exam
The question paper format of International Talent exam has 3 sections.
Section 1: Subjective
Section 2: Logical reasoning
Section 3: HOT s
This format will be followed for all the classes from 1_10 th standard for Science, Maths, English, General knowledge, Computer and social studies.
How many questions are there in International Talent exam?
There are 3 different sections of questions for classes from 1-4th and for 5-10th classes. There are totally 40 questions for class 1-4th, out of which 25 are Subjective questions, 10 logical reasoning and 5 high order thinking question.
Each question carries 1 mark. Similarly for classes 5 - 10th there are 50 questions each carries 1 mark, out of which 35 will be Subjective questions, 10 logical reasoning questions and 5 high order thinking questions.

Syllabus & Sample Question Papers